conheça Thaís

Passionate about food, books and art exhibitions. From these things, I allow myself to create and see, through art, a way of sharing with the world a little of my admiration for people who are able to spread their joy through their works. I have this dream of being part of this creative industry and developing my career, spreading more joy around.

Through prints we can apply different techniques, such as watercolor, gouache, markers, ink and pastel and many other manual and digital techniques to tell the story that surrounds us. Get in touch with Tha Onça and find out which technique will be most applicable to your project and then we will be grateful for developing a project directed and focused on what your brand wants.

Sou uma profissional qualificada em desenho manual e também nos programas Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign e Corel Painter. Possuo amplo conhecimento na área de costura, bordado e nos processos de serigrafia e sublimação.
Thaís Mendonça

Entrar em contato

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@estampariathaonca ou

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